Check Engine Light

A set of check engine signs on a black background

Check Engine


When your check engine light illuminates, it can evoke a sense of foreboding. Many people assume this dashboard indicator always signifies a failing engine, but that's not entirely accurate.

Your vehicle's onboard diagnostic system continuously supervises its operations, with the check engine light specifically monitoring emissions. As you may know, emissions refer to the harmful gases that your vehicle releases into the environment. Most manufacturers and states enforce regulations that limit the emissions produced by your car.

These regulations necessitate monitoring your vehicle’s systems to inform you if your car or truck is generating excessive pollution. This is why we believe the check engine light is one of the most misunderstood indicators on your dashboard.

The check engine light can point to something as minor as a loose gas cap or as critical as an engine misfire.

**Flashing Check Engine Light**

If your check engine light is flashing, it signals a serious issue, such as a cylinder misfire. This could result in a potentially costly and dangerous situation. It’s essential to bring your vehicle in for service immediately if the check engine light starts flashing.

**Solid Check Engine Light**

Even if your check engine light is steady rather than flashing, your vehicle is still emitting an irregular level of emissions due to an underlying problem and should be serviced promptly. Issues causing a solid check engine light can vary from a loose gas cap to a significant engine malfunction—each of which can negatively impact your vehicle’s fuel efficiency and performance.

**How We Can Assist**

While many automotive shops offer free check engine light diagnostic tests, these readings often fail to provide a complete picture.

These complimentary scans typically generate a code that indicates the general area of the problem but do not clarify what exactly is malfunctioning or how to rectify it.

Clearly, a malfunction exists if your check engine light activates (and remains lit), but it's crucial to avoid the risk of misdiagnosis from a free test that could lead to unnecessary and expensive part replacements.

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